熟视无睹 8.0


导演:Alexander Hanno  地区:2018 播出时间:2022-12-15

  A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming but hot-headed Lee Riley returns to Los Angeles to win back the girlfriend he left behind, alluring and headstrong Kate Caldwell. Despite having moved on and grown into an independent woman, Kate agrees to let him stay while he looks for an apartment and soon enough, the pair falls back into their old patterns, losing themselves in an ardent relationship once more. Yet, as the free-spirited nature of their romance starts to tear down the life Kate has built, she finds herself losing her new identity but unable to let Lee go. Likewise, Lee starts to wonder if the buoyant memories from their past are preventing him from growing up and becoming something more.......


  • 高清播放
  • 1-20



  • 锦鲤,刘晴,赵双,楚越,阎么么,宣晓鸣
  • 彭昱畅,李庚希,徐帆,高亚麟,刘丹,王迅,宋伊人,刘迅,李晨,杨玏,李建义,李晓川
  • 吴恬敏,亨利·戈尔丁,杨紫琼,嘉玛·陈,奥卡菲娜,卢燕,岑勇康,郑肯,水野索诺娅,吴育刚,欧阳万成,钱信伊,瑞米·许,尼科·桑托斯,陆思敬,苏慧敏,方展发,谢宛谕,维多利亚·洛克,许优美,郑花如,许静雯,卡尔文·王,陈琼华,刘佳镁,陈美廪,内万·科伊特,阿曼达·埃文斯,彼得·霍奇森,安德斯·塔格,丹尼尔·詹金斯,彼得·卡罗尔,黛博拉·杨,查尔斯·格朗斯,杰西卡·加莱蒂,斯威华特,罗尼·纪,李文全,罗杰·谢克,李志坚,李君文,拉塞尔·黄,马尔库斯·莫,杰瑞卡·黎,乔·翁,陈胤希,德尔菲诺润二,比阿特丽斯·契
  • 曾一竣,张璐瑶,潘春春,DJ Umi
  • 安妮·海瑟薇,尼古拉斯·加利齐纳,艾拉·鲁宾,安妮·玛莫罗,瑞德·斯科特,帕芮·马费尔德,乔丹·亚伦·霍尔,玛蒂尔达·吉安诺普洛斯,Meg Millidge,奇克·曼诺哈,Ray Cham,Jaiden Anthony,维克托·怀特,Dakota Adan,罗克茜·里韦拉,格拉汉姆·诺顿,Grace Junot,Jon Levine,Demián Castro,特雷弗·戴维
  • 克里斯汀·斯图尔特,凯蒂·M·奥布莱恩,艾德·哈里斯,戴夫·弗兰科,吉娜·马隆,安娜·巴瑞辛尼科夫,基思·雅各,伊薇特·法齐奥-德莱尼,戴维·德劳,凯莱布·贝克,米坎德鲁,莉莉·哈里斯,罗杰·伊文斯,杰瑞·G·安格罗,凯瑟琳·豪恩,贡萨洛·罗伯斯,道格·蒙托亚,斯蒂芬妮·希尔,希拉里·弗莱明,马修·布鲁德-史密斯
  • 钟欣潼,李明轩,崔真真,苇青,卫诗雅,杜玉明,刘碑歌,董劭辉,何承熹,冷昊泽,陈凯洲,欧阳沁一
  • 田中丽奈,高桥一生,伊原刚志,井泽健
  • 海倫娜英格勒特 / 安德烈亞普雷蒂 / 佩卓史特拉莫斯基
  • 宫泽冰鱼,小西樱子,细田善彦,平井亚门,芦那堇,田中穂先,铃木浩文,高桥慎之介,椎名香织,黑川大圣,斋藤千穗,小仓百代,渡边润,户田昌宏,鲍勃·铃木

